Un bon huit heures de travail pour deux cases! La masse humaine d'un marché sud africain, je suis assez satisfait du résultat jusqu'à maintenant. Il ne me reste qu'un case pour donner a la page tout son ampleur. J’espère pouvoir finir tard ce soir pour maintenir mon objectif de faire une page par jour.
Eight hours for two panels! A sea of humanity in a busy south african market. I'm pretty satisfied with the result so far, I still have one more panel to go though. hopefully the last panel will convey the immensity of the market. I'm hoping to finish this page late tonight to be able to maintain my one page a day objective!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
Les Monstres
Je travaille actuellement sur Les Montres de Marc Tessier. Mon but est de le finir mes pages d'ici la fin de semaine afin de pouvoir passer à autres choses. Je me rends compte que l'une des raisons pour laquelle j'ai de la difficulté à publier un livre personnel est parce que je travaille toujours sur d'autres projets. Par-contre, celui de Marc Tessier me tient beaucoup à coeur car il parle de Marc-O qui nous a quitté il y a déjà deux ans. C'était quelqu'un qui j'aimais beaucoup ; alors, c'est un plaisir pour moi de dessiner ces pages. Aussi, j'apprécie surtout que ce projet me permet de travailler avec Marc et Stephane Olivier. Par contre, je pense que ce sera mon dernier contrat - je sens que je devrais me concentrer sur mes propres publications. Voici quelques pages:
I am currently working on Les Monstres directed by Marc Tessier. My goal is to finish my pages by this weekend so that I may focus on other things. I am realizing that one of the reasons why I have not yet published my personal book is that I am constantly working on other projects. However, Marc's project is one that is close to my heart because it speaks about Marc-O, a fellow comic book artist who passed away just over two years ago. I am also thrilled to be able to work with Marc and Stephane Oliver. Nevertheless, I think this will be my last contract - I feel that I must concentrate on my own publications. Here are a few pages :
Voici quelques esquisses explorant un nouveau style plus simple !
Here are a few sketches researching a new and more simple style!
I am currently working on Les Monstres directed by Marc Tessier. My goal is to finish my pages by this weekend so that I may focus on other things. I am realizing that one of the reasons why I have not yet published my personal book is that I am constantly working on other projects. However, Marc's project is one that is close to my heart because it speaks about Marc-O, a fellow comic book artist who passed away just over two years ago. I am also thrilled to be able to work with Marc and Stephane Oliver. Nevertheless, I think this will be my last contract - I feel that I must concentrate on my own publications. Here are a few pages :
Voici quelques esquisses explorant un nouveau style plus simple !
Here are a few sketches researching a new and more simple style!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
De retour!
Après un peu plus d'un an, je reviens sur Blogger. Cette longue année a commencé lors d'une conversation avec Jimmy Beaulieu au Toronto Comics and Arts Festival (TCAF). Jimmy me questionnait sur la progression du Portier. Un peu découragé, je lui explique que le processus est long ; le niveau de détail et de réalisme est vraiment lourd et prend beaucoup de temps à maîtriser. Le problème lorsque l'on choisit le dessin réaliste est que la moindre erreur est impardonnable. Jimmy me disait qu'il est passé par là. Il me dit qu'il faut choisir entre : ce qu'on veut vraiment faire (c'est-à-dire raconter des histoires) et le niveau de détail à inclure dans le dessin. Cette conversation m'a vraiment marqué. Ceux qui connaissent Jimmy vous dirons que c'est un homme d'une grande générosité et je dois le remercier pour pour son conseil.
Ceci dit, je continue quand même à travailler sur le Portier. Mais au cours de la dernière année, j'ai développé un style de dessin qui va me permettre de produire des livres et de raconter des histoires sans que ça prenne des années. Pour se faire, j'ai adopté un nouvel outil, le Pentel pocket pen:
After just over a year, I am back on Blogger. This long year started with a conversation I had with Jimmy Beaulieu at the Toronto Comics and Arts Festival (TCAF). Jimmy was asking about my progress with The Bouncer. A little discouraged, I admitted that the process was long: the level of detail and realism for the images are quite heavy and take a long time to master. The problem when we choose to draw realistically is that the smallest mistake can be unforgivable. Jimmy told me that he had been there. He told me that one has a choice to make between doing what you really want to do (ie. tell stories) and including many details in the images. This conversation really stayed with me. Those who know Jimmy will tell you that he is a very generous man and I must thank him for his advice.
This being said, I am still pursuing my work on The Bouncer. However, in the past year, I have developped a drawing style that will allow me to produce books and to tell stories without having to take years to do it. For this purpose, I am now using a new tool - the Pentel Pocket Pen:
After just over a year, I am back on Blogger. This long year started with a conversation I had with Jimmy Beaulieu at the Toronto Comics and Arts Festival (TCAF). Jimmy was asking about my progress with The Bouncer. A little discouraged, I admitted that the process was long: the level of detail and realism for the images are quite heavy and take a long time to master. The problem when we choose to draw realistically is that the smallest mistake can be unforgivable. Jimmy told me that he had been there. He told me that one has a choice to make between doing what you really want to do (ie. tell stories) and including many details in the images. This conversation really stayed with me. Those who know Jimmy will tell you that he is a very generous man and I must thank him for his advice.
This being said, I am still pursuing my work on The Bouncer. However, in the past year, I have developped a drawing style that will allow me to produce books and to tell stories without having to take years to do it. For this purpose, I am now using a new tool - the Pentel Pocket Pen:
Je vais donc, au cours des prochaines semaines, vous montrer le travail de la dernière année.
I plan to, in the coming weeks, share with you the work that I have accomplished in the past year.
I plan to, in the coming weeks, share with you the work that I have accomplished in the past year.
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